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Writing as S.M. Laviolette
Smart & Sexy Historical Romance

Oh my goodness! What a romantic my husband is

My husband and I are approaching our ten year anniversary. As a sweet surprise my husband set up a very romantic evening this week. At about three in the morning he whispered in my ear that he wanted to show me something and that I should follow him. I grumbled out of bed and followed him out on the deck. There, Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata was playing quietly on the stereo and there was an open bottle of my favorite wine on the table. We climbed into the hot tub and he pointed out the Perseid meteor shower which was was going on silently above our heads. We spent several wonderful hours enjoying each other’s company and the magnificent celestial show.


Not to be outdone, I made him his favorite – homemade (from scratch, of course) beignets for breakfast and then it was back to writing.

Homemade beignets on my writing desk.
Homemade beignets before writing.