Huzzah! Check out the lovely starred review from the American Library Association’s BOOKLIST for my smart and sexy historical romance:
By Minerva Spencer
Nov. 2020. 352p. Kensington, paper, $15.95 (9781496732835)
What would writer, philosopher, and women’s rights champion Mary Wollstonecraft think?
Actually, as a charter member of the Society for the Practical Application of Wollstonecraftian
Ideals, Drusilla Clare knows exactly what her idol would say about matrimony, especially to a
man like Gabriel Marlington. Unfortunately, after Dru is caught in a compromising, albeit
completely innocent, position with Gabriel at a ball one night, the only option the two have that
will keep Dru from being utterly shunned by polite society is to marry. However, when their
marriage of convenience starts heating up into something much more passionate, Dru discovers
there just might be some advantages to having a scandalous rake as a husband. Romance
readers will feel like they have hit the literary trifecta with Notorious, the first brilliantly crafted
book in much-awarded Spencer’s brand-new Regency-set Rebels of the Ton series. Spencer
serves up an irresistible cocktail of smart characterization, sophisticated sensuality, and sharp
wit—all while orchestrating her own clever spin on the popular bluestocking-and-rake trope.
— John Charles