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Writing as S.M. Laviolette
Smart & Sexy Historical Romance

Day-um! A sweet 9 inches...

Yeah, that subject line caught your interest, didn’t it? I was talking about the snowfall, you dirty, dirty girl.

So, here’s a picture of the snow from last night and today.

Sure, maybe it doesn’t LOOK like 9 inches, but everyone exaggerates, right?

The chickens are not pleased with the weather, but I can’t tell you how relieved we were to finally get some snow. We haven’t had any since back in October. It is a record dry stretch. They were skiing on exposed roots, ice, and rocks up at the Ski Valley and our trees were gasping for water. It still isn’t enough to stave off a drought, but at least it is something. 

And guess what? I am having a stellar writing patch, which is good news for the next few pub dates. Nothing firm yet, but do know I am writing again. Like the snow, the dry patch is over.

That’s all I have to say for today as I’m going back to charming the muse while the charming is good…

Happy reading,



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